Contact Us
We're easy to get a hold of and are in the office weekdays 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST. Please feel free to call us by phone, e-mail us, or mail your requests.
Phone EMERGENCY - CALL 911 Main 224.325.5185 (Voice and Text) Office 872.250.3132 Fax 872.250.3132 Maintenance (24/7) Text or Call 630.332.3181
Please email for: General Information Tenant Support Owner Inquiries Billing Information |
Mailing Address VR Investment Properties LLC
Owners: Visit the owner portal to view property performance, maintenance requests, and financials.
Tenants: Visit the tenant portal to view your balance, pay your rent online, request maintenance and download lease or booklets.
Tenants: Visit the maintenance portal to request maintenance via work orders in our Latchel resident maintenance system.
Utility Providers:
People Gas
Nicor Gas