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Please read

Rent is 0.00 dollars per month

Located in Centralia

Please read

Primary image of Please read
Bed Bedrooms
Bath Bathrooms
Sq. Feet Square Feet

Please read shows a list of properties that are available or have recently been available. We encourage you to fill out an application on any APPLY button. In the application you can note what type of property you are looking for and/or a specific address. We will get your application processed within 48 hours and reach out once that is completed. Applications will stay on file for 90 days and whenever a property starts to become available we will email the list of approved applicants to see if it fits what you are looking for. The person that brings us a non-refundable security deposit will hold the property for you. Once you execute the lease and receive keys that security deposit becomes refundable at the end of your lease beyond normal wear and tear excepted. Call our office with any additional questions 573-682-5193.

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875 W Singleton St

Rent is 300.00 dollars per month

Located in Centralia

875 W Singleton St

Primary image of 875 W Singleton St
Bed Bedrooms
Bath Bathrooms
Sq. Feet Square Feet

875 W Singleton St

Billboard 12 spots each ad will run for 5 sec per minute. This will be a constant 24 hrs a day 365 days per year Call the office for complete information about your spot 573-682-5193 No Application Call office

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